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16515 S. 40th St. #131, Phoenix, AZ 85048

Prolotherapy Available to Chandler Residents

A fit and healthy body is the key to live a happy life. However, it is not an assurance that you will not face any difficulty with your body at any point of time.

Aging, accidents and other minor issues can take their toll on your body, leading to severe discomfort.

Joint pain is a common issues experienced by many people all over the world. It can become a major cause of discomfort by affecting the physical well being of an individual.

However, prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy) has emerged as an amazing treatment option in Chandler, AZ for getting rid of this common ailment.

Prolotherapy Treatment for Chandler Knee and Shoulder Injuries

We at Active Lifestyle Clinic carry out prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy) for a number of Chandler patients who want to get their healthy life back by eliminating joint pains from their lives.

Prolotherapy is also referred as ligament reconstruction therapy as this treatment option helps to relieve the joint pain by stimulating the growth and development of the ligament tissues.

Prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy) is an effective option for treating chronic pain caused due to instability of the ligaments, which further leads to dysfunctioning of muscles, nerves and overall structure. It can prove effective in various conditions, including:

  • Low back pain
  • Arthritis pain
  • Leg pain
  • Neck pain
  • Wrist, shoulder pain
  • Hip, foot, ankle and knee pain

In short, joint pain irrespective of the part of body it is affecting can be treated with the help of prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy).

Prolotherapy treatment is concentrated on the affected area by injecting local anesthetic and concentrated sugar in the joint which then creates a localized controlled inflammatory response.

The duration of the prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy) and time it takes for healing depends on the severity of the injury and how fast the body is able to respond to the treatment.

Naturopathic Therapy in Chandler • Prolotherapy Injections

As you begin to age, your body goes through many changes which lead to aging symptoms, like weight gain, joint aches and pains etc. and naturopathic therapy is another treatment option which has become popular among people in Chandler.

At Active Lifestyle Clinic, we have a proficient team of well qualified doctors who have considerable experience and knowledge about carrying out prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy).

At every step of the treatment, our expert staff is available to assist our patients in Chandler and ensure that you gain the desired results without facing any inconvenience.

To avail the finest treatment prolotherapy treatment (a form of naturopathic therapy)options and enjoy your life once again, contact us at (480) 704-1050.