Automobile Accidents & Pain Relief
In pain from a car wreck? Get pain relief today!

Automobile accidents could happen anytime to anyone, resulting in sudden and unexpected whiplash injuries.
Whether it’s a routine trip to the store or a long distance drive across town. First, you’re driving as normal, then all of a sudden you hear the sound of screeching tires and metal hitting metal.
Next, in the split second before you can brace yourself, you feel your car moving from some unseen force!
The Hidden Damage of Automobile Accidents
It’s tempting to minimize your own injuries because your car has sustained little or no damage. Research shows that occupants can be injured considerably more than what you’d expect from a dented fender or a broken taillight.
The Medical Solution to Whiplash Injury
First, if you visit the emergency room after an auto accident, you may be given a clean bill of health because you don’t have any broken bones, for example. Next, you might get a prescription to reduce the muscle spasms caused by structural changes in your neck or lower back.
However, after what you’ve been through, you’ll need a health professional that truly understands soft tissue injuries, spinal biomechanics and rehabilitation strategies. Call our clinic today for natural pain relief from whiplash injury caused by an auto accident.
We Can Help Treat Auto Accident Injuries
Most importantly, whether it was a little incident in the parking lot, or two cars attempting to occupy the same space in an intersection, you need people who know how to work with lawyers and insurance companies.
In conclusion, if you’ve been in a car accident, give us a call. We’ve been through this many times. Not only can we usually offer drug-free care, we can help put your auto accident injury behind you once and for all.
Common Auto Accident Injury Questions
Q: Why do I have pain in my arms and hands?
A: Because the nerves to the arms and hands exit the spine through the injured area of the neck, numbness and tingling are common. Even lower back pain can result directly from the trauma, or as a reaction to the loss of proper spinal curves.
Q: Why did my headaches start more than a week after my automobile accident?
A: Whether you’ve been in an accident, stressed at work, or over-exerted yourself in the garden, your body is constantly adapting to the environment. When your capacity to adapt is exhausted, symptoms can appear. This can take days, weeks, months or years to occur.
Q: Will I ever be normal again?
A: Many chiropractic patients report improved spinal function and a reduction of their symptoms. Those who delay seeking appropriate care often discover that scar tissue and long-standing spinal instability increases the recovery period.